The Healing Forces of Harmonic Sounds and Vibrations

Science has recognized that everything that moves and vibrates from the sub-atom, atom to the smallest molecule present in the universe produce some kind of sound.
The Universe is a vast musical instrument that is in constant state of vibration.

Harmonic Sounds and vibrations are tools for a transformation that creates and arrange realities. The Masaru Emoto Institute were able to take pictures of some beautiful crystal patterns after subjecting distilled water to the sounds of "The Power of Harmonic Sound and Vibrations", ( an 8 track CD see link at bottom)

At the Masaru Emoto laboratory they have been freezing various kinds of water and observing their crystals.

First Chakra: MULADHARA

Musical Tone of C

1. Root Chakra.
Musical Tone "C" (DO) 396Mh = 9
Color: Red
Element: Earth.
Base of the Spine - Energizes the whole physical body and affects general physical vitality and needs.

Second Chakra : Svadhistana

Musical Tone of D

2. Reproductive or Sex Chakra.
Musical Tone "D" (Re) 417Mh = 3
Color: Orange,
Element: Water.
Sexual Organs; Bladder and legs. Lower or Physical Creative Centre, Sexuality and Emotions.

Harmonic Sounds and Vibrations
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