This Diagram is a formula expressing the creative energies of the Word, or Logos, the Greek of which is given in the centre of the star. The double triangle expresses the dual relation of the creative forces,—as male and female,—the ancient term of expression being theos-sophy. Their triune expression is, first, Spirit; second, Body; third, Soul. The seven points of the star are expressive of the seven primate creative principles, as named on the respective points; and when man conquers or subjugates these principles to the higher will within himself, he then attains the ultimates which stand expressed against the seven points. These seven creative principles are found to have their solar expression in the seven planets made use of in this system, and the different planetary signs are placed against their appropriate point, or principle, in juxtaposition to the sign of the zodiac in which they find their most natural or perfect expression. These seven points are called the seven vital principles. The body of man, being an epitome of the solar man, or nature, cannot exist without having these seven principles in working order, while he can live without the five serving principles provided he be served by others. The serpent encompassing the triangles is expressive of the circle of eternity, also of the psychic or sex principles of nature, which is active in the work of creation or generation.

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