Our communion with Sacred Geometry is a fundamental aspect of our evolutionary awakening.

It was on a clear, bright cloudless late autumn evening that I had my first phenomenal communion with Sacred Geometry. My partner Jiva and I were living in a cabin in a friends field deep in the fairly land of Somerset. We had received a request from the consciousness we were collaborating with to witness the Sunset that evening in order to receive some information.

Sundown an hour away, the high heavens melted into deep turquoise as the Sun approached the Celtic tree circle on the near horizon. Our eyes were drawn to stare into the Sun and almost immediately we were able to differentiate the beams of light that pulsated so miraculously from this grand star, as liquid gold fractal transmissions, an unremitting endless code of light intelligence. This light code, a cascade of radiant matrices holding the evolutionary harmonic, merged with life rhythms pulsating out form the Earths bio-spheric aura. The embrace of these two potencies of creation we realised to be the Sacred Marriage of the Mother of Form and the Father of Consciousness, the Quantum Tantra of creation.

As I sat there in the field I felt the magnetics of an ultra Earth awareness enter through my coccyx and rise up to greet the cosmic forces of creation that entered through my occiput and descended down my spinal causeway, I understood my connection to the Earth and the Sun not as some bystander but as a conjugal mediator. It was through my very being that their courtship of creation was taking place. My consciousness was a symbiotic component within their Tantric union. I felt this great love between these two sentient sovereign celestial and Earthly entities imbue my physical matrix with the Amrita of an immortal continuum.