There is a "sacred geometry" that the Anunnaki worship as their "God." This complex fractal geometry is found in almost every level of existance, from galaxys, to the patterns of human urban expansion. The Anunnaki are natrually evolved creatures, meaning, they are the product of the very geometry that they worship. They are the product of eons of "survival of the fittest", and as a result, they have eliminated most Genetic flaws, and have gained a level of profound logical consiousness. Nature is their creator. This gives them a profound fundamental understanding of the meaning of physical existance.
Humans, however, are not a product of the same process. Humans were created by Anunnaki knoledge, not entirely tho, seeing as most all life on earth, besides humans, is the result of a "survival of the fittest" process, still in progress. The Anunnaki interfeared in the process, and created humans.
The majority of the Anunnaki believe that humans are beneath them, in the scale of natural privlage, and believe that humans should serve them, and worship them as the creators, as "Gods."
However, 1/3 of the Anunnaki, believed that Humans should worship the "Sacred Geometry" that they (the Anunnaki) worshiped, that created the universe, and them.
The other 2/3 (or .666) of the Anunnaki did not agree with this, and exiled the 1/3 out of the Nibiru system (if you know me, you know that I believe we live in a binary solar system, and Nibiru is their dwarf star, the star that orbits our sun like a comet.) Anyways, this exiled 1/3 of the Anunnaki setttled on Mars. And then later on Earth.
Does anyone know what I am talking about?
The reason it is undesireable to be exiled from the Nibiru system is because of the nature of Gravity and the speed of time.
Higher force of gravity = faster perception of time
Lower force of gravity = slower perception of time
Time is determined by how "inert" an object is on a molecular/atomic level. This is determined by forces of gravity.
The higher the relative force of gravity, the faster the electrons orbit the nucleus in the atoms that make an object, and the faster time passes. The lower the relative force of gravity, the slower the electrons orbit the nucleus, and time passes more slowly.
Imagine being in a low gravity area, while looking into a high gravity area.
Imagine being in a slower speed of time, looking into an area at an accelerated speed of time.
The Suns gravity field generates something called a "Fluent Gradient Gravitational Time Dilation Field", with time passing at a relatively accelerated rate the closer you get to the central force of gravity, in this case, it is the Sun. The reason time seems constant on earth is because earth has a circular orbit in the spherical gravitational time dilation field generated by the suns gravity. This is an application of General Relativity.
The key here is that the Nibiru system has an elliptical orbit in the suns gravitational field. It is a much lower mass star and generates significantly less gravity than the sun. Imagine Jupiter and its moons, this is roughly the size of the Nibiru and its planets.
At the apex of its elliptical orbit, out of the majority of the suns gravity, you were to look back at the inner solar system, the earth would appear to be racing around the sun, each orbit being a year on earth, because the earth would be significantly closer to the sun than where you are observing from, time would appear to be significantly accelerated in the inner solar system.
Higher force of gravity = faster time
Lower force of gravity = slower time
Imagine being in a low gravity area, while looking into a high gravity area.
Imagine being in a slower speed of time, looking into an area at an accelerated speed of time.
An elliptical orbit would allow one to skip across time like a stone skipping across the surface of water. Seeing the universe at such an accelerated rate might teach one something about its nature. Also, you must at this point realize how this concept would affect preception of visable light outside of relative ranges of speeds of time. Now we are getting into the realm of dark matter, and why we cannot see it. An elliptical orbit would allow one to skip thru time like a stone skipping across the surface of water, and would allow one to be invisible while they do it.
Consider, for argument sake, if an object is emmiting light at 1 wavelength per 1 nanosecond, and that object is at a slower speed of time, and now me, at a faster speed of time, I observe that object, but it now takes my eye 3 nanoseconds to see the wavelength that was emmited at 1 nanosecond, that light has successfully "phased" out of my visible light spectrum.
This is what happens when objects get far from sources of gravity, like the sun, they phase out of visible light. This is the realm of dark matter, and all of empty space between solar systems and galaxys. This explains how the stars are not as far as they appear, and why things like the Oort cloud seem to be invisible like comets when they are in extreem distance from the sun. It is not another dimension, humans just do not fully understand the ones they exist within.
This concept is also responsable for why the Anunnaki live so long. They skip time.
"Spirit" or "Soul", is what makes us individuals. It is a genetic refrence, mis-interperted. The Anunnaki gained the gift of "self awareness" via eons of natural evolution, and survival of the fittest. They truly EARNED consciousness. This gives them a profound understanding of the balance of nature.
One of them (Enki) chose to share part of that EARNED DNA with something that hadn't yet earned it, the primiates of earth. (He got in big trouble for that too) What you must understand is that there is a profound difference between truly EARNING CONSCIOUSNESS and being GIVEN CONSCIOUSNESS. Humans take this for granted, and have been taught that they have evolved, and earned their DNA, and this is not true, and this mis-understanding is the root of further mis-understanding and mis-interperetation when it comes to truly understanding "spirituality."
If you know anything about DNA, you know that there is NO WAY the specific difference between the DNA of humans and the DNA of primates could have happened naturaly. It is impossible in nature, and would have had to been done in a laboratory setting.
You see, humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and primates have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs).
When humans reproduce, each parent contributes a half of a DNA strand, or 23 chromosomes (not pairs, but single chromosomes waiting for the other parents contribution)
There is an anomaly in the human genome, where the second chromosome has another entire chromosome "tacked" on to it, via a SINGLE amino acid, to carry 24 chromosomes in the space of 23.
The only way that this could have happened is at one point a mother (primate) with 24 chromosomes had to have an egg removed from her body, and the 2nd-3rd chromosomes fused, AND THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART, the father ( ? ) had to have a NATURAL 23 chromosome half to contribute. (key word is NATURAL) In a pre-human world full of primates, who had a NATURAL 23 chromosome half to contribute?
Plus, how did the 24 Chromosome half from the mother fuse into 23, while still carrying the 24th?
Even in the impossible event this were to happen in nature to the offspring of a primate, what are the odds it would would happen 2 times creating a male and female that could reproduce and continue the line.
The word "laboratory" comes to mind.
There is evidence of this in every strand of human DNA on earth.
The Fractal Geometry of the Universe is GOD. The Anunnaki concider themselves to be direct creations of the universe (angels). Then the Anunnaki used Nature (god) and Knowledge to create humans.
Humans are the product of both God and Angel, for lack of better terms of refrence.
This is the perspective from which the concept of God was taught to humans, from the perspective of an earlier creaton of God. God being the universe, and the earlier creaton being the Angels, or Anunnaki, or Naturally Evolved Life from the universe.
The Anunnaki concider themsleves to be nano-fractal versions of God. In fractal geometry, the smallest is the same as the largest. The micro, and the macro, are one in the same.
However, in the case of reality, the macro-fractal becomes more complicated, and rich, and the micro fractal becomes simpler, and more minimal, both keeping true to a core concept of uniformity. It is an exponentially growing macro-fractal ascension, an ever widening ascending wedge of macro-fractal possibility.
I do not know exactally what God actually is, but whatever it is, we are all inside of it.
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And please read it more than once, because there are fractal elements to even this post, there are things you will understand at the end of it, that can be applied to a further understanding of other parts at the begining.